

Happy Monday!!

well, I am totally overwhelmed with all that I have to do today and this week, so what do I do?
I post a pic on the blog of my baby girl. It always cheers me up!

Yes, that is a margarita glass she is drinking out of, but actually contains blackberry& banana smoothie, it's really very healthy, with plain yogurt, orange juice and some honey!
About 2 seconds after I took that picture, she spilled the drink all over the table and floor.
It was a huge mess, looked like Purple Passion (val and jess will know what that is!)

Lucy cracks me up! She busted out singing this morning, "I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it!" It was hilarious. I was wondering where she heard that dance song and then realized it was from the Madagascar dvd. =0 )

1 comment:

Leah said...

She is too cute! And a blackberry banana smoothie sounds *amazing.* I have to get you to write that recipe out for me!