

Book Club - January

I have began a book club with 2 friends, Val and Jess. For the month of January, Jess has chosen the American classic A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I only received my book today and have just finished the Forward by Anna Quindlen. (fyi: A. Quindlen is journalist, novelist and editor for Newsweek) I'm very excited and wish that I had all day, all night to devour this book quickly, but I have school, wifely duties and a Lucy-bug to play barbies with. smiles!

So...........first let me say, I am keeping an ongoing list of words that I look up the definition to. doesn't mean that I always don't know what they mean, but I want to get a deeper meaning. I love http://www.dictionary.com/. The first 3 words from the Foreward are: feckless, indefatigably and equanimity.

Here are some of my favorite lines from the Forward:

* "a story about what it means to be human",
* "Honesty is casting bright light on your own experience; truth is casting it on the experiences of all"

* "the fabric of family, the limits of love, the loss of innocence, and the birth of knowledge"

* "only tree that grew out of cement, a tree that liked poor people"

* "words that came in a can; the freshness was cooked out of them"

* "she suddenly sees the world as dingy and flawed, her parents as human and not omnipotent"

* "reads indefatigably, writes obsessively, dreams of a future different than what the past & present would portend."

I won't always have this much to write, or have the time, but the beginning is always exciting.
Love, Jenn


Leah said...

I *live* at Dictionary.com!! I am going there right now to look up 'feckless'.

I dare you to use 'indefatigably' in a sentence in small group next time!! :)

V. said...

I too had to look up feckless because it sounds like one of those words that could be a dirty word. Ok, speaking of intimidated, hello, Jenn, I am not going to participate in this club if you proceed to show me up with your fancy quotes and favorite words! Must you always be the teacher's pet? (though I guess you weren't every teacher's pet, ha ha!) Just kidding,your overacheiving ways are just part of what I love you about you.

Jess said...

Oh my this is too much fun!! I am off to bed to read... trying to remember if I even read the forward haha!! I now consider myself inspired by you my friend.