

late night blogging

did the picture totally crack you up or what?? i want this to be ME this year. = )
i'm copying my friend leah fink and putting something on my blog about HEALTH.

so, i'm off my meds right now and getting ready to make another bowden human.
per my psych-O doctor, i need to continue to take my vitamins, eat right, drink water and exercise. currently i take a prenatal vitamin, an omega 3 fish oil, B-12, evening primrose oil, and glucosamine complex. i sound like such a geezer!

i did some research tonight online and one of the important things for me (and everyone) to eat is foods that are rich in FOLATE. folate helps with making babies. fyi: lithium causes birth defects. "Brith defects of the brain or spinal cord are the major defects associated with inadequate folate intake. Folate is necessary for women of childbearing age and at the beginning of pregnancy for a healthy child."

So....here are a few foods that i like that are rich in folate: Black-eyed peas, Okra, Kidney beans, northern beans, Broccoli, Iceberg & Romaine lettuce, Sunflower seeds, Spinach, Corn, Asparagus, Baked beans, Green peas, Baked potato, Cabbage, Avocados, Peanuts, Orange juice, Strawberries, Oranges, Eggs, Bananas.

tonight i ate an entire container of strawberries, so i think i'm good on folate for today!
i dipped them all in cool whip too! it was so good. i think i ate so many berries b/c i didn't eat any meat with my dinner, chuck grilled pork chops and i'm cutting back on pork and beef for a while. bring on the chicken, tilapia, tuna and sushi please!


Leah said...


A new addition to the Bowden Bunch. Oh that's so exciting I can hardly stand it. I love babies!! I will be praying hard for the Bun-To-Be, and his/her mommy!! :)

V. said...

Hey-here is a folic acid tip I have just started doing. I am adding baby spinach (just chopped a little) to my smoothies. You cannot taste it at all though it does have a little texture to it. I also read somewhere to take my prenatals with oj.