

Butterflies on the Beach

Last weekend was the first time I've ever seen butterflies on the beach, gobs of them, everywhere.  One tried to land on the flower on my hat. These 2 let me take their picture (and I didn't have to crop or enhance them).

flutter by me butterfly
let me see your delicate beauty

I remember a few months ago when I was driving to school and praying and I said out loud a simple, "I need you, I need you, I need you."  Instantly I heard Him whisper back, "You got me, You got me, You got me."  It wasn't deep or profound, but it was perfect and it anchored me.

Seeing the butterflies everywhere in SC was a reminder that He is with me and His beauty fills the earth in so many ways.

"For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the LORD our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?"  -Deut. 4:7

I'm so thankful to have "a God so near." 

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