Dear Daddy-God,
I saw a glimpse of you today at church,
a bit of your nature was revealed to me like a snapshot picture, and the image still burns in my mind-
the Pastor's hand was cupping a young girl's face,
a girl brave enough to walk down the aisle and stand, waiting her turn for prayer.
his face was close beside hers, but not face to face,
she was looking straight ahead & he could be seen by the audience,
his mouth was positioned near her ear, speaking words packed with faith,
his eyes were closed and his brow scrunched tight, intense & engaged,
shooting his words, arrows of truth, straight into her spirit.
I didn't mean to stare, but when I saw a glimpse of you Daddy, I couldn't look away.
This is an awesome post, Jenn. Thanks for sharing!
Isn't it beautiful when you glimpse God being fleshed out in his people?!
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